A victim of date rape and a single mother, Kendra struggles with anger, distrust, and feelings of abandonment as each person in her life fails her. When she turns to God as her heavenly Father, she finds hope and healing and is finally able to offer forgiveness to the man who hurt her.
Chapter One
As Kendra’s fingers touched the keys,
the beautiful, haunting melody of “Moonlight Sonata” flowed out of the baby
grand piano as if the two were one, created together as one organism. For one
short moment she lost herself in the music and almost succeeded in forgetting
the woman sitting nearby on the living room couch, judging the lovely tone of
the hammers on strings to decide if the instrument was worthy of purchase. What
tragedy or grief had inspired such genius in Beethoven? she wondered again as
she played. The terrible loss of his hearing, or unrequited love? If she had
Beethoven’s genius, perhaps she could take the tragedies in her own young life
and produce beauty like this. But with her own mediocre talent, all she could
do was return to this sonata at every crisis she faced, allowing it to express
her own heartbreak or despondency. Now it seemed fitting to play it this one
last time, when she was on the verge of losing her music forever.
At the end of the first movement she
stopped and turned to her one-woman audience. She had never mastered the third
movement and decided it would be unwise to attempt more than the first,
especially as tears were beginning to well up in her eyes.
“Well, you play so well, and it’s
really lovely.” The woman rose and lifted her hand to touch the fine mahogany. “Probably
too good for my girls, but I don't want to buy a cheap piano. My husband said
to get something nice. How much are you asking?”
Kendra swallowed. Start high, not low, her mother had advised. “I'd like
to get seventy-five hundred for it.”
“Hmm.” The woman touched one of the
keys with a light frown. “I saw one in a store for five thousand. I was hoping
to not spend more than that.”
"I think this is worth more
than five." She didn't like to haggle, it seemed indecent somehow, but she
didn’t want to give away her treasure for nothing. “What about six and a half?”
The woman pursed her lips. “Well,
I'll give you six. I think it's worth that much. I'll give you five hundred
now, and the rest when we come to pick it up. We're going to need movers for
this. I'll have to let you know when we get it scheduled.” All business, she
opened her purse, took out a wad of bills and began to count them.
Feeling bereft, Kendra nodded and
took the bills as the woman counted them out. “We have to be out of the house
by the middle of June. That’s the only reason I’m selling the piano, because
I’m moving, and won’t have room for it in my apartment.”
“Okay, I'll certainly get it before
then. Thanks so much. Nice to meet you—”
“Nice to meet you, Kendra. It's a
lovely piano. I hope my girls play as well as you do someday.”
Kendra stuffed the money into her
jeans pocket and pasted a smile on her face again, waiting until the woman had
disappeared inside her car. Then she returned to the piano stool and dropped
onto it, tears blurring her vision and spilling on the black and white keys.
It was silly to be crying over a
piano, she knew. Of all the things she had lost in her life, the piano was
really nothing, a piece of wood and ivory and string that could easily be
replaced someday. Not like losing a father, a brother, a mother, a home, a
career, a future. But maybe that was why this was hitting so hard today. It
wasn't losing the piano itself, but all that it represented, everything from
her past that had disappeared, her present that was changing so rapidly, and
her future that would never be.
She heard the rattling of the
doorknob and quickly dried her tears just as her mother, arms full of shopping
bags, glanced through the living room doorway and saw her sitting there.
“Kendra? Who was that car pulling
out as I pulled in? Was it someone looking at the piano? ”
“Yes.” Kendra dried her hands on the
side of her jeans. “She decided to buy it. She agreed to six thousand and put
five hundred down.”
“Six thousand! Well, that's not bad,
is it? That will make a nice down payment for your car after you give Patsy her
rent money. I really don’t want you and Elizabeth riding around in that piece
of junk you’re driving now.”
“Yes, I was happy she offered that
“I'm so relieved that it sold. Now
all the big pieces are gone, except for your bedroom set that you're taking
with you, and a few other things that your brother wants. I hope Gregg gets
them out soon. Have you decided if you're taking the little kitchen table and
“No, Patsy says that she doesn't
need it.” Kendra’s future roommate had a two-bedroom apartment already and most
of the rooms were furnished. No room for the piano—just a bedroom for Kendra
and her daughter Elizabeth to share. It was all Kendra could afford on her bank
teller’s salary.
“Okay, I'll tell Gregg he can have
it.” Her mother set her bags on the couch and opened one, taking out
rectangular jewelry box. “Look what I got for you for the wedding. Isn't this
Kendra opened the box to reveal a
silver necklace with rose-colored stones. "It's nice.”
“I thought it would go well with
your gown. I found earrings to go with it too. Let me put it on you.”
Bonnie came close to her daughter,
unclasping the necklace, then looked more closely at her face. “Kendra, what's
wrong? Have you been crying?”
Kendra stared down at the piano
keys. “A little.”
“Oh, goodness, child! You weren't
crying over the piano, were you? You don't even play it that much anymore.”
“Yes, I do. I play as much as I have
time. And—and I was hoping that Elizabeth could use it when she gets older.”
Bonnie put the necklace back in its
box and dropped down into the rocking chair. “Elizabeth can have her own piano
someday. A smaller one, not a baby grand. Really, honey, of all things to get
upset about.” Bonnie snapped the box shut. “I'm just relieved that it sold.”
“You don't understand,” Kendra
began, and then her throat closed up and she couldn't go on.
Bonnie sighed. “You mean because it
belonged to Daddy. Is that it?”
Kendra ran a finger over one smooth
white key. “It belonged to Daddy, and it was part of everything that we planned
for when I was young. You know how hard I worked on my audition music— I had
that dream of being a concert pianist. Or maybe just a music teacher, if that
didn't work out. And then when Elizabeth was born, I didn't have time for my
lessons anymore, and I couldn't go to college, and had to get a job. But at
least I had my piano. Now I don't even have that.”
Bonnie frowned down at the floor, as
if searching for a comforting response. “I wish we could have kept it for you
somehow. But it seems ridiculous to transport it all the way out to Gordon's
house in Chicago, when we wouldn't even use it. And you need a safer car, so it
just seems sensible to sell it.”
“I know.” Very sensible from her
mother's point of view. Bonnie was moving on to a new life with a new husband
in a new city. She didn't need or particularly want reminders from the past,
even the happy marriage that had ended in death five years ago. Her life had
taken a wonderful turn for the better when she decided to marry a man she had
met through her work and move with him to Hong Kong for a year. And during the
recent months of her mother’s sudden bliss, Kendra had tried to hide the grief
she felt herself in losing the last vestiges of her childhood, and the anxiety
that occasionally bordered on panic as she pictured herself all alone in the
world with a small child and no one she could depend on. She felt tears well up
in her eyes again and bit her lip to try to suppress them.
“Oh, Kendra.” Kendra couldn’t tell
if her mother were more sympathetic or annoyed. Bonnie reached out and patted
her back. “Listen, honey, I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. I know it’s a
big change, but I thought you might be excited about moving in with Patsy. If
it doesn’t work out, maybe you can come out and stay with us when we get back
from Hong Kong. But it just wouldn’t work to take you and Elizabeth over there.
We’ll only be gone for a year at the most, and then you can come see us in
Chicago. Maybe you can move in with us—if Gordon thinks it’s okay—”
Kendra glanced sideways at her
mother’s conflicted expression. It was the first time her mother had tacitly
acknowledged what Kendra had suspected: Bonnie’s fiance really didn’t care for
the idea of Kendra and Elizabeth living with them. She forced herself to voice
the question that she had kept to herself ever since her mother had
unexpectedly announced these wedding plans. “Why can’t you just wait till
Gordon gets back from Hong Kong to get married? Why the big rush?”
Bonnie frowned and twisted the new
ring on her finger as if groping for words. “I know it’s hard for you to
understand, Kendra. I know I seem old to you, but I’m only forty-eight, and I
don’t want to be alone for the rest of my life. In a few years you’ll be
married and gone, and I’ll be all alone. I’ve dated a few men since your dad
died, but no one that I really clicked with. No one that I could imagine
settling down with, until I met Gordon. I know I’ll never meet anyone else like
him again. If I don’t take this chance now, I might never have another one.
And—and—a year is long time, especially for people at our age. If I wait till
Gordon comes home next year, things might be totally different. Do you
understand?” She studied her daughter’s face, clearly seeking reassurance.
If you don’t snatch Gordon up now,
someone else will before he comes home again, Kendra thought with a sense of
irony. He wants you to come with him and you don’t want to take the chance of
losing him. Even if it means selling my home and uprooting me and Elizabeth.
She felt a stab of compunction. She
did want her mother to be happy. Her mother had been a great support to her
during the last four years—first during her traumatic pregnancy and then in the
early days of trying to raise a child alone. The midnight feedings, sleepless
nights, trying to finish high school while caring for an infant—she couldn’t
have managed without her mother. Bonnie had grieved after Kendra’s father’s
death, and now she had found someone new. Kendra should be happy for her. And
in one way her mother was right. If Kendra were given the opportunity to begin
a new life with a new husband, would she refuse it to stay home and be a
companion to her mother? She knew she wouldn’t.
Aloud she said, “I do understand why
you want to marry him. But I feel so alone. You’ve always been there for me,
and now I don’t have anybody.”
Bonnie ran her hand across her
daughter’s shoulders, back and forth in a scratching motion, the way she often
had when Kendra was a child. “Well, you have Kyle. You seem happy with him. You
wouldn’t want to move away and leave him, would you?”
“No.” Should she confess her other
disappointment to her mother? What reaction would she get to that? “You know, I
was really hoping that when I told Kyle that I had to get my own place, he
would suggest we could move in together. But he didn’t. When I made a comment
about it, he said that he couldn’t afford to move out of his parents’ house
“Oh, gracious, I didn’t know you
were even thinking about that.” Bonnie fell silent for a moment; her hand fell
to her side. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Kendra. You’re both pretty
young for a serious relationship like that. Now I know you’ve had to grow up
early, but Kyle hasn’t, and he’s probably not ready for that kind of
commitment. And you don’t want to start a long string of live-in boyfriends, do
you? That’s not the way to raise your daughter.”
Kendra shook her hair back from her
face. “Of course not! You know I’m not like that. But—but I was hoping that in
a little while Kyle and I would get married. Don’t you think that could happen?
You know, Sarah Pruitt had a baby in high school and just got married last
Her mother gave a light shrug.
“Sarah married the baby’s father. Kyle doesn’t have that same feeling of
responsibility. For your sake I hope he does decide to settle down soon, but
he’s only twenty-one. I wouldn’t count on it, Kendra. I don’t want you to get
Kendra fell silent. Kyle was very
loving and kind to Elizabeth, but he wasn’t her father. As her mother had said,
he could choose how much responsibility he wanted to assume, and at the moment
it wasn’t very much. She and Kyle had been together for five months now and he
was her first serious boyfriend, her first love. The happiest day of her life
was the day he said he loved her too. But what did that actually mean to him?
If he wasn’t willing to be committed to her, to be available to her in her hour
of need, what did he mean by love? That he had warm and fuzzy feelings for her,
that he was physically attracted to her? She didn’t like these thoughts, but
they had been recurring more and more.
“Listen, honey, I’m sure it will all
work out in time.” Her mother spoke half-brisk, half-comforting tone that said
she was ready to move on to happier subjects. “I’m sure you’re just nervous
about this big move, and that’s understandable. But you’re such a brave, strong
girl, with all that you’ve gone through at your age.” Bonnie rose, pulled
Kendra to her feet and drew her into an embrace. “You’re such a good mother to
Elizabeth, you work so hard, you’re so reliable and dependable, and I’m proud
of you. And you’re beautiful, too. I know that once you get settled in with
Patsy, you’ll develop a new life and a new set of friends, and everything will
work out. You’ll see. As for Kyle, just take things one day at a time.”
“I’m sure you’re right.” Kendra wiped
her eyes against her mother’s shoulder, trying to take comfort in her mother’s
praise. Of course her mother thought she was beautiful; all mothers said things
like that. Pretty enough in spite of her straight, plain brown hair and
glasses, with a nice figure, but not someone who really turned heads. But the
other compliments were probably true, anyway. She was dependable and she tried
hard to be a good mother. She pushed her dejection to the back of her mind to
be faced later, alone. “Oh, I meant to tell you that when you were gone, the
restaurant called. Something about the choice of desserts.”
“Oh, thank goodness, I was waiting
for her to get back to me. I’ll go return that call now.”
“And you’re getting married at St.
Michael’s? You talked to the priest about that?”
“Yes, we’re meeting with him the
next time Gordon comes out from Chicago. It seems like a waste of time—I mean,
we’ve both been married before and should know what we’re doing—but that’s his
policy. I guess we have to follow his rules if we want to get married in the
rose from the piano stool and helped her mother gather up the bags littering
the couch. “Remember how when I was little we used to go to church all the
time? Now we only go at Christmas and Easter, or for weddings and funerals. You
know, I miss that sometimes.” Looking back, her childhood aroused a terrible
sense of nostalgia. Compared to the turbulent years afterwards, it seemed so
happy and secure, with God in heaven and her father on earth, protecting his
family as he should. Now her father was far away and God seemed nowhere to be
“That priest!” Her mother almost
spat the word. “All the money we gave to that church over the years, and where
was he when your father was sick?”
“He came sometimes—”
“A very few times. Well, he can find
someone else to hit up for money from now on.”
Kendra wondered if her mother was
more angry at the priest or at God, who had seemed deaf to her prayers during
that terrible time and during the years since. “Sometimes I worry about
Elizabeth. I feel she’s growing up without any religion at all. Do you think
that’s bad for her?”
Her mother shrugged. “Well, you can
take her to church if you want to, Kendra. I did my duty when you kids were
little. Although sometimes I wonder how much good it did.”
Kendra had no answer for that. She
had always believed in God, mostly because it seemed easier than not believing,
but where was he really during the hard moments of life? Had he cared at all
about her father’s tragic battle with brain cancer, and then the struggles that
had engulfed the family since then? Did going to church make a real difference,
or did she simply want to provide for her daughter the illusion of peaceful
security that she herself had known as a child? Elizabeth would never know a
father’s love and care. Kendra hoped she would eventually have a stepfather,
but at the moment even that possibility seemed far away, if her mother was
right about Kyle. She wasn’t sure, but maybe knowing something about God could
give her daughter a bit of the security that was missing in her life.
She was starting toward the kitchen
when from the floor above she heard a small voice call out in a high-pitched
sing-song, “Mommy! Mom-meeee!”
Bonnie turned around, glancing
toward the ceiling. “Isn’t that child asleep yet? ”
“I put her to bed a half hour ago,”
Kendra whispered. “Maybe we were talking too loudly.”
They both stood silent for a moment,
listening, and then heard the scampering of little feet across the floor above
and down the stairs. The child’s tossled dark head peered at them over the
“You naughty little girl,” Kendra laughed,
but in her present emotional state she didn’t have the heart to be stern. She
set down the bags as Elizabeth ran to her. Kendra picked her up and nestled her
against her shoulder.
“I couldn’t sleep,” Elizabeth
complained against her ear. “I heard you playing piano. I want to play piano.”
“Oh, just for a minute, but then you
need to get back to bed.” Kendra kissed the top of her head and stroked the
tangled dark curls, so different from her own straight, lank hair. Elizabeth
was her consolation for everything she had missed out on: college, her piano
career, her carefree youth. And surely if she had waited twenty years, she
couldn’t have produced a more beautiful child. Even strangers stopped to admire
Elizabeth. She knew that the child looked nothing like herself or her own
relatives, and was secretly grateful no one but herself knew where Elizabeth’s
beauty had come from. It was the only thing Elizabeth had received, or would
ever receive, from her father.
carried her daughter to the baby grand, sat on the stool and perched Elizabeth
on her lap. The child banged on the keys for a few minutes while her mother
bounced her on her knees. They had played this way together so many times, but
soon the piano would be gone.
felt tears come to her eyes and quickly she tried to think about something
else. She had to be strong, for Elizabeth’s sake if not her own. She couldn’t
indulge her grief and anxiety this way. What could she find to look forward to?
“Elizabeth is having a birthday this
month!” She shook the hair back from her face and forced a bright note into her
voice. “How old are you going to be, honey?”
Elizabeth turned from her concerto
and held three fingers up to her mother.
growing up so fast!” Kendra bent down and kissed the warm little neck. “It
seems like you were a baby just yesterday!”
not a baby!” Elizabeth pounded louder on the keys.
you’re a big girl. Did Mommy tell you that we’re going to the zoo on Saturday? Kyle
is taking us. We’ll see zebras, tigers, giraffes—it will be fun.”
Elizabeth stopped her banging and
again turned inquisitive blue eyes up to her mother. Kendra could see the
wheels turning in the little head. “Is he my daddy?”
Kendra smiled. She had wondered when
Elizabeth might ask something like that. “No, he isn’t. Not yet. He’s just—well,
Mommy’s friend.”
The child thought for a moment,
concentration in her eyes. “Where is my daddy?”
Kendra’s heart fell. That was
another question she had anticipated and dreaded. She chose her words
carefully. “I don’t know where your real daddy is, honey. That’s why you never
see him.” She kissed the child’s dark curls. “But you know, if he knew what a
beautiful little girl he has, I’m sure he would want to see you.”
It was a lie, of course, but a
necessary one. Elizabeth’s father was a scumbag, and Kendra prayed that she
would never cross paths with him again. If he knew Elizabeth existed—which
Kendra had done her best to prevent—he would never acknowledge her or want
anything to do with her. But that was a painful truth she could never tell her
* * *
After reading your interview at Barn Door, I had to come over here and look to see if there was more to read from Finding Father. I love this first chapter! I'm looking forward to reading the whole book some day.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to see your comment! I have neglected my website dreadfully in the last few months while getting my books ready for publication. I hope you did manage to find the whole book, and that you enjoyed it as much as the first chapter. I'm hoping to release Kerry's Calling sometime after the start of the year.